Health benefits of gingerHealth benefits of ginger? In markets, you would notice that ginger roots are commonly in display like tomatoes, carrots and cucumbers. Long in history, many individuals utilize ginger root for cooking and healing. The flavor is a bit peppery and moderately sweet with a strong, spicy fragrance. Ginger adds flavor to cooking; its taste can be included to your cooking depending on your preference. Ginger is a blossoming plant, filled with rich nutrients and bioactive compounds that are of great benefits for the body and brain. What really are the health benefits of ginger? This article will discuss the health benefits of ginger. Therefore join us as we review the health benefit of ginger to the body.



Ginger is a decent wellspring of vitamins; it also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and sodium. It is additionally low in calories throughout hundreds of years, numerous cultures use ginger due to its medicinal recuperating properties. The following are but some of the health benefits of ginger:

  • DECREASES NAUSEA; It helps decrease nausea from chemotherapy and surgery by hindering serotonin receptors and valgus nerve activation in gut level. Ginger help counteract gut serotonin caused by many chemotherapy drugs. According to an experiment ( a glass of ginger everyday reduces morning sickness fivefold if utilized at least 4 days straight.
  • REDUCES CANCER RISK; Ginger is stacked with antioxidants that help shield the body from cancer. It has cancer-fighting capacities. It suppresses the development of certain cancers like gastric, ovarian, liver, skin, breast and colorectal cancer. These properties also help in preventing tumor caused by inflammation and oxidative stress.
  • REDUCES PERIOD CRAMP; Do you experience pain and discomfort during your period? Some evidence suggests that ginger reduces painful menstrual cramps. Another study ( shows that using the powdered form of ginger at 750mg-200mg/day may be effective in relieving pain during the first 3-4 days of menstruation.


  • EASES ARTHRITIS PAIN; Ginger is an anti-inflammatory agent. It reduces joint agony due to inflammation from arthritis. Its extract is utilize to dull, numb and reduce pain. It decreases pain that comes from rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. An examination has indicated ( that ginger oil is effective in treating irritation from rheumatoid arthritis. Ongoing research has focused on applying ginger extract to the skin of the excruciating joint.
  • LOWERS BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL; Garlic helps manage high blood sugar levels. A little examination proposed ( that ginger may enable your body to utilize insulin better if you take 4grams of sugar every day.
  • PREVENTS COMMON COLD; Powerful antioxidants compounds found in ginger help fight off cold due to their viability in lowering fever, reducing pain and nausea. Ginger Root has a warming effect, especially on the chest and throat.  Drinking ginger water can keep you warm, promote sweating and get rid of symptoms during a cold, flu, and infections.
  • REDUCES MIGRAINES; Powdered ginger could stop and prevent migraine headaches from occurring and may be helpful to both children and adults who experience the ill effect of these migraines. Recent evidence suggests that ginger may help relieve some of the side effects of migraines and even stop the migraines.
  • AIDS DIGESTION; Ginger is a digestive aid. It contains a substance that may aid in protein digestion. Ginger can likewise help alleviate an upset stomach by loosening up the muscle in the gastrointestinal tract. It additionally prevents gas, bloating and soothe the symptoms caused by food poisoning. Eating ginger before meals can make your system empty faster and allow food to digest.
  • IMPROVES LIBIDO; Ginger does not only improve heart and vein health; it also improves sexual performance and the ability to orgasm. It improves sex drive in men and manages erectile dysfunction.


Yes ginger is edible and contains enormous health benefits and it is commonly recognized and broadly utilized in cooking and baking. However, caution is needed when taking ginger supplements or eating a lot of ginger. Just like every other thing it has its pros and cons, but it does not have any serious side effect except;

  • People, who experience bleeding disorder, should not consume ginger because it may increase bleeding tendency.
  • Patients taking blood pressure-lowering drugs would have to be cautious, because it may cause blood pressure to become too low or lower blood sugar.
  • Ginger can cause hemorrhage during pregnancy.  Moms should stay away from it particularly in the third trimester. It can also affect fetal development.
  • Because of its capacity to diminish blood, patients on blood thinners and anticoagulants medication like Coumadin ought to be mindful.
  • Ginger can build the progression of bile; therefore, individuals who experience the ill effects of gallstones ought to be cautious.
  • If taken by mouth can cause heartburn, mouth irritation, stomach discomfort and diarrhea.
  • Excessive consumption of ginger might worsen some heart conditions.
  • Ginger might cause irritation for the skin and eye for most people.
  • Exceeding 4grams of ginger per day from food, drink, and supplements might be harmful.


Ginger leaves are not usually utilize as the root, but it is palatable. It is mainly utilized as a delightful embellishment, just as you would use chopped chives or green onion. To utilize the leaves, cut them finely into little pieces and sprinkle a little over a dish or include it toward the end of your cooking.

Ginger is a tasty root, yet the issue is that it is difficult to utilize ginger all at once. This prompts the issue of storing it.


If you need your ginger to last a couple of weeks or months, then you will have store your ginger appropriately.

  • Purchase fresh gingers: A fresh ginger should look dry with large stout pieces. It should feel firm when you crush it.
  • Store at room temperature: Place it on a plate and set aside from direct sunlight. It can last for about seven days, before it begins to feel moist and show indications of aging.
  • Store in the refrigerator- Squeeze out all the extra air, then, put in a resalable bag and store in the fridge. It can stay over a month.
  • Freeze: For your ginger to last for a longer time, it can be stored in the freezer. Chop the fresh ginger, wrap it tightly in a plastic freezer bag or plastic wrap and freeze.
  • Store in an alcohol and refrigerate: This provides an acidic environment so that the clostridium botulinum cannot grow. Peel your fresh ginger and submerge in an alcohol or a lemon/lime juice. This preserves the ginger and it can last for about 4 months in the refrigerator.

Ginger can be prepared in different dishes or servings. You can also add them to soups, fish, baking to get a spicy flavor and smoothies. It can likewise be utilize in making ginger tea and many preferred dishes.



Can ginger be harmful? This article reviewed a lot about ginger and its medicinal value. Ginger is not only an extremely popular dietary condiment used for flavoring food. It is also an herb that is been used for thousands of years as medicinal herb to treat a variety of ailments.

However, this answers the question; can ginger be harmful? Whether or not ginger is harmful is very much dependent on the health condition of those consuming it. Thus, there is no adverse reaction or health hazard from consuming ginger for healthy individuals, who do not exceed the required daily quantity, which stands around 4 grams.