papaya seedsPapaya seeds are enclosed inside papaya fruits. The fruit is succulent, melon-shaped, natural fruit, full of health benefits. Much like melons, papayas are roundish or half-dumbbell-shaped; papayas weigh as much as 24 pounds each. Papaya fruits are 7.0 to 50 centimeters in length. This precious fruit develop in collection of at least 30 individual natural products, on the storage cavity of papaya plant.

Different tribes and tongue have different names for papaya. Mexicans call it melon zapote, and Australians and South Sea islanders as papaw. In Nigeria, most people call it pawpaw. For Brazilians, papaya is called mamão. Many Caribbean go with the name fruta bomba. Whatever local name assigned to it does not change the content of this nature- given product. This article will go with the Latin name, Carica papaya.

papaya seeds


I posed this question to so many people, and each time they got it wrong. Papaya plant resembles a little palm tree, with a crown of leaves. Yet, papaya has no horizontal branches, and accomplishes a normal tallness of 3 to 4 meters. Therefore, papaya is extremely an herbaceous plant. Furthermore, papaya grows with a beefy as opposed to a woody stem.

This giant herb grows to full production stage within a year period. Papaya seed is the means of planting. Growth and development usually begin with the papaya seed inside the fruit. Most papayas are female, with a few specie exhibiting androgynous properties. This bisexual specie often produces more egg-shaped fruits. Papayas live close to 5 years depending on other external factors.

Papayas have smooth skin that turns from green to yellow while maturing. The maturity period of papaya fruit is eight to nine months. Papayas have smooth yellow or orange yellow color. a lovely musky tang


The following are the reasons why papaya plant is sometimes regarded by some as medicine plant:

  • The hollow fleshy stem is rich in vitamins A, B and C, as well as in calcium, phosphorus and iron.
  • In the trunk of the female tree are found 1-1/2 percent protein and 7 to 10 percent sugar.
  • The milky juice in the stalks leaves and unripe fruit is highly anthelmintic (meaning that it destroys intestinal worms).
  • Also, the little black seeds digest and therefore eliminate all kinds of undesirable parasites in the intestines.
  • Papaya helps to digest the protein of meat, eggs, milk, beans and similar foods, and, hence, promotes the proper functioning of the pancreas.
  • Moreover, papaya alleviates indigestion, protects against infection, aids diabetics and hepatitis patients, and is used to clarify wine and beer.


Have you started wondering, what is it that makes papayas as valuable as a therapeutic? That is valid. Be that as it may, have you at any point found out about the catalyst papain? It is this chemical that makes the papaya so novel in processing proteins. Found only in papayas, papain is like the creature catalyst pepsin. The pharmaceutical business has for some time been profiting from papain. To benefit mostly from the richness papain, try the following:

  • Make it into a delicious drink by mixing the ripe flesh in a blender together with pineapple or other fruits.
  • Prepare papaya as a sauce, by cooking unripe papaya fruits and adding sugar and perhaps grated coconut.
  • Use the papaya unripe as a vegetable cooked like squash, particularly in stews.
  • Cut the fruit in cubes and leave them in water with a little quicklime (wrapped in a cloth) until the next day. Then rinse off the cubes and cook them with sugar or, for caramel flavour, with burned sugar. The quicklime hardens the outside, as in crystallized fruit.
  • eating papayas while they are green and bitter gives the best source of papain
  • Chew and swallow a piece of the leaf or a tablespoonful of the seeds after each meal? This thought may not be so pleasant, but it certainly could protect your system against invading parasites. The seeds have a pungent taste, not unlike that of watercress or radishes.


Tenderizing effect of papaya leaves is long recognized and used by hunters. Wrap a very stubborn meet with papaya leave and see how it softens. Some also use papaya juice to tender old layer chicken. Additionally, papaya flowers when cooked and added to burnt sugar cures protracted cough. Also, mashed papaya flesh is used externally in treating skin blemishes.


Papaya seed, fruit, leave and stem are complete nature medicine. The papain contained in papaya aids digestion, attacks and dissolves the keratinous epidermis of the most common parasites. Papaya leaves can act as antibiotics against germs in sores. The best way of getting the papain in papaya is by eating unripe, greenish papaya.